In computer science, a mobile agent is a composition of computer software and data which
is able to migrate from one computer to another separately and unrestrictedly, and continue
its execution on the destination and specified computers.
Mobile agents are a specific form of mobile codes and software protocols that has
specific pattern and prototype. However, in contrast to the Remote evaluation and
Code on demand protocols, mobile agents are more active in the sense that they may
choose to migrate between computers at any time during their execution. This makes
them a powerful tool for implementing distributed applications in a computer network.
Advantages of Mobile Agent
Some advantages which mobile agents have over conventional agents are listed below:
? Move computation to data, reducing network load
? Asynchronous execution on multiple heterogeneous network hosts
? Dynamic adaptation - actions are dependent on the state of the host environment
? Tolerant to network faults - able to operate without an active connection between client
and server
? Flexible maintenance - to change an agent's actions, only the source (rather than the
computation hosts) must be updated
Application of Mobile Agents
Common applications of mobile agents include:
? Resource availability, discovery, monitoring
? Information retrieval can be used in fetching the system information to and fro in
client server protocol
? Network management, by using mobile agents we can monitor the throughput of remote
machine in terms of network parameters
? Copying files in a server client paradigm or backing up of data on remote machines
? Dynamic software deployment can increase portability, making system requirements less
How is Ambujex and Mobile Agent related?
At Ambujex we are in the process of constantly improving, innovating and creating new
horizons in the field of technology and this has resulted in the idea of mobile agent
computing which will take over the entire computer industry in a few years time. Being a
very new and upcoming technology our development team is working with all their efforts
and sincerity to bring about a revelation in computer industry.